In this course, you will learn how to handle unexpected failures during UAV autonomous missions using ArduCopter's built-in failsafe mechanisms. We begin with simulated lessons on various recovery methods that can be used to recover the vehicle safely in the event of a system failure or failsafe activation. Next, we delve into ArduCopter failsafes and their configuration, explaining how they are programmed to trigger specific recovery methods. Finally, we apply this knowledge to realistic emergency scenarios, equipping you with the skills needed to manage unexpected situations confidently.
This course is certified by the ArduPilot Project and includes expert tips and tricks on how to best use the ArduPilot flight control system. Upon completion of the course, students receive an official completion certificate.
Failsafes covered:
- RC Failsafe
- GCS Failsafe
- EKF Failsafe (GPS loss)
- Battery Failsafe
- Parachute Failsafe
- FPV Signal Loss
Recovery methods covered:
- Return to Launch (RTL)
- Default RTL (fixed return altitude)
- Terrain-following RTL
- Smart RTL
- Guided mode recovery
- Alt-Hode mode recovery
- Landing mode recovery
- Parachute recovery
This course is designed for those students who already have a good understanding of multicopter piloting and are familiar with the basics of UAV flight operations. It focuses on understanding and configuring ArduCopter's recovery methods and failsafe mechanisms rather than teaching basic flying skills. Therefore, it is assumed that students are already proficient at flying a multicopter. If you have no experience flying multicopters, it is recommended that you complete the Manual Piloting of Multirotor UAVs Course before enrolling in this course.
Additionally, this course covers ArduCopter autonomy specifically for failsafes configuration and recovery. For a deeper understanding of ArduCopter autonomy, we recommend the Introduction to ArduCopter Auto Missions with Mission Planner Course.
Technical Requirements
These are the minimum requirements to be able to run this course effectively on your system. If you find SIMNET does not work well on your system, you may request a full refund.
- Controller or RC Transmitter:
- A controller is recommended for this course, but not strictly required as you can use the keyboard instead. Please visit our FAQ page to learn more about the various controller options available.
- Computer
- Operating system:
- SIMNET: Any operating system
- Mission Planner: Windows, Linux, or Android
- CPU: Intel i5 or equivalent, or better
- GPU: Dedicated graphics card recommended, but not required
- RAM: 8 GB
- Browser: Chrome
- Operating system:
- Internet connection
- 10 Mbps download speed or more (Test your speed here)
- Stable internet connection with less than 2.5% packet loss and below 30 ms jitter, and below 300 ms latency to a server located within the US (Test connection quality here)
Course Credits
This course was developed by the SIMNET team in close collaboration with ArduPilot Project members. Special recognition goes to Randy Mackay, lead ArduCopter developer, for providing thorough input and feedback for this course.